
To boldly go...

This is new... a wetting of feet, really.

This is not a blog for those who dislike ellipses as I use them abundantly.

This is a log of ponderings, observations and opinions of a young wife and mother of two girls, who finds herself living a much more mundane and yet fulfilling life than she had imagined.

Perhaps it is best that I start with the traditional introduction. I am Emily. I was Emily then, and went through a phase or two as Emily, and now find myself still Emily. I am somehow not who I was then, and was not then who I am now. But I have always been me, regardless.

I started out, as many people do, with a naive idea of accomplishing everything in it's correct order. I would, of course, start out by completing a substantial education. I would then land a fulfilling career, marry the man of my dreams, own a home together, and have beautiful children. But.... I kind of messed up the order of the events on the agenda.

Actually, I maintained their order, but went at it in a backwards sort of way. I started at the end, and have not yet reached the start. So here I find myself having had a beautiful child, then marrying the man of my dreams and owning a home together, then having another beautiful child... but that's as far as I've gotten.

I guess there is a reason to do things in this socially, religiously, morally imposed manner. For, having started at the end, I realize that those first few steps are much more easily taken without the collateral of the last few.

I am more than satisfied with my backwardly approached life. I am incredibly blessed and completely in love with my family, and though I would not necessarily recommend the route I took to get here, I would not backpedal if I were given the option.

So my life is a collage instead of a portrait... love instead of luxury if that makes any sense.

My husband Joel is, without a doubt, the one God put on this earth for me. He is amazingly genuine. Over and over, through the years I've known him, this has been the word I've found to most accurately describe him... to describe just what it is that makes him so different from any other man I've known. Never wavering- never acting. He is who he is, day after day after day. Kind, generous, patient, steadfast... genuine. He is my one love.

My daughter Gillian is now 5. She is my wonderful, rambunctious, brilliant, creative pride and joy. She makes me feel old. I am not old enough to have a child who can read... who can tell me about how we are not made in China or the USA, but by God... who might proclaim to be "incredibly frustrated!"... am I?! It seems like just a season ago she was a tiny, pudgy baby with big, smiley brown eyes and wispy pigtails atop her head.

We were not necessarily planning on Afton... but then, we weren't NOT panning on her either, so she was not too big of a surprise. She was born just less than a year after we were married, and is just the most perfect, smiley, adorable gift God could have given our family. She's 6 months old and is growing much too quickly. If anyone knows how to slow these kids down, please advise.

So, now you've wasted a substantial amount of time reading about me. The sad part is, if you are reading this, you probably already knew most of it and have gained no real insight. But THAT is my point. This blog is not likely to enlighten the reader. I am not a knowledgeable or even opinionated person, really. If you must have a motive for reading this blog, let it be for your pure amusement. And from here on out, I will try to find more amusing things to blog about.
