
I'm gonna rock 2013... I hope. :-)

I will be turning 30 this summer.

I am not even a little bit afraid of that number. In fact, I'm so used to being the youngest, that it's almost a relief to be entering my 30's. Like I'll finally be legit. :-)

But for some reason, I have an incredible amount of drive this year, to cross some things off of my bucket list.

I have struggled the last 5 or 6 years with inconsistency. I desperately want the life I live to be congruent with the life I want to live, and with what I believe. I have been compelled to challenge myself, by identifying what is really at the core of my beliefs, goals and motivations. And to try to narrow down my priorities and focus on growing into my real self.

Maybe 30 is a little late to be just now evaluating all of this. Better late than never, right?

So here are some things I am working toward this year:

I am reading the Bible cover to cover. In order. Not skipping even the most cringe-worthy or boring parts.

I struggle sometimes, with reconciling the almighty, just, holy God of the Old Testament, with the God who would humble himself so much as to die for us. I want to understand God's heart for me, for us.

I have read the whole bible a couple of times, but it's always been broken down for me into a kind of daily schedule. Usually something like 1 chapter of the Old Testament, 1 chapter in Psalms, 1 in Proverbs, and 1 in the New Testament. ... Or something similar. And I've read many parts of the Bible dozens of times, maybe more. But it seems like it loses all of it's chronology and context when it's all broken up in chunks.

So I want to just take it as it is. And read it all the way through. And soak up the STORY of it.

I'm training to run a half marathon in June.

I didn't start out with any intention of becoming a "runner". But I am amazed at what this running stuff has done for me. I have never been athletic or physically fit, and it has never been much of a priority for me. However, I want my body to be strong and healthy. Osteoporosis runs in my family, as does heart disease. Running seemed to me to be a good, accessible fitness option, since you don't need any equipment or a membership to a gym.

Over time I have decided that I love it. It reminds me how lucky I am to be ABLE to move my body in this way; I know many people who physically don't have the option of running. It reminds me that this vain physical perfection women are pushed to pursue is so unimportant. My body is not my identity! It is a tool, a vehicle. And I want to teach my girls to love their bodies for all of the things their bodies enable them to do, not for what they look like.

Oh, also, it makes me feel just a little bit bad-ass to have sweat literally dripping off of me. :-)

I want to get baptized this year.

When I was a baby, I was not baptized, I was dedicated. In a ceremony where the parents dedicate their child to God, and where they publicly vow to raise that child in the Christian faith.

Now, I think the issue of baby baptism vs. dedication is debatable, but I'm not debating it. I think the intentions of our hearts are what God's looking at, not weather we were splashed or simply prayed for in the front of a congregation as an infant.

Nonetheless, my mom explained to me as a child that she believed baptism should be something one chooses, when they are old enough to understand that choice.

I have wanted to be baptized many times, but wanted it not to be just a religious next-step. I want to read, understand, and wholeheartedly mean it, when I make that commitment.

So that's my to-do list so far for this year.
Now that I've shared it with you, I'm accountable to follow through, right? :-)

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